Adidas Warp Knit

To say I was EXCITEDDD to work with Adidas is a major understatement.

They reached out and I looked up “adidas working with micro influencers scam” haha! I just couldn’t believe it! I left town for Austin the next day and the whole plan ride I was thinking of ways to show you how amazing this new set is! After a 2 hour plane ride, all I wanted to do was stretch and do a little bit of yoga.

**internal light bulb goes on

When Adidas reached out they said they loved me for who I was and what my blog stood for; and after the chaos of flying and traveling the only thing I wanted more than an airport Starbucks, was a quiet place to move, groove and re-center.

Thus, this video was born.

You guys know I am super transparent and making this video on iMovie brought me to the point of losing it more than a couple times. Luckily, I had the best soundtrack to listen to as i watched my pincha mayurasana for the 100000 time! My friend, Brett Sarine is so talented and when I asked him to make a dope beat for the video, he really came through!

Here is a link to his SoundCloud and yes, he is willing to autograph anything you need.

Want be twinsies and match in our Adidas Warp Knit set and shoes?? Here are some links so that you can shop those!